Sainsbury’s is the largest purchaser of food from British agriculture. Every year it brings together between 500 and 1,000 stakeholders from within British Agriculture to share its strategy for the coming 12 Months. Purple Patch has won the tender for this event for eight years in succession.
In line with a well-publicised commitment to cut costs and in return deliver value to customers – the 2018 Farming Conference tender required careful cost savings combined with still delivering a compelling event for Sainsbury’s delegates. This year would see the event held in London to be closer to institutional stakeholders, yet still accessible and professional in its delivery for farmers and food producers.
QEii conference centre was selected due to its proximity to an important element of the invite list – and also its easy access from most parts of the UK. Having budgeted for an overnight get in – we had to be extremely well prepared ahead of the event day itself. Eighteen short and creative presentations were designed up front allowing for two sets of off-site rehearsals. All films were edited and signed off well ahead of the event and the entire event was rehearsed remotely on the morning of the overnight set up.
Highlights of the event management and delivery were…
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